We believe our work can play a role in catalyzing community connectivity and agency in public space. In all of our projects we seek to foster social connectivity and forge stronger relationships between people and the environment. We strive to create experiential places that bring people together through the engagement of natural and cultural histories and the carefully crafted design of constructed materials and ecology .
Our work aims to shape places for human connectivity. Through an analytical and empathetic process of engaging people we focus our work on issues of equity, physical and emotional accessibility, freedom of expression and action, and connectivity with nature in constructed human programmed sites.
We create places that construct desired human programs while always shaping them through a high level of attention to the quality of experience and anticipation of multiple patterns of use.
In all project decision making we consider the role of the project as a place for people to gather and interact with each other and with the larger natural and cultural context.
The formation and layering of space, the coordination of patterns of movement, the integration of site furnishings, and the emphasis on connectivity between site and architecture and between various scales are all critical components of the successful creation of effective community spaces.